PFC – Parallel Flange Channel

Parallel flange channel is normally called a channel or a “C-section”. They are described by their depth, width and weight per metre in kilograms, eg. 150 x 75 x 18 PFC. The PFC is used for columns, lintels above doors or simply a beam supporting floor joists. When used for lintels, they have a bottom plate welded to it that takes the outer bricks or 2 channels are bolted back to back with 100 mm spacers to support both leafs of a cavity wall.

All Our Parallel Flange Channels (PFC) are suitable for a range of applications and supplied to Australian Standards.

  • Finishes: Primed or Galvanised
100 x 50 x 10 PFC10.2100505.08.5
125 x 65 x 15 PFC14.8125655.59.5
150 x 75 x 18 PFC17.9150755.510.0
150 x 90 x 24 PFC23.9150906.512.0
180 x 75 x 20 PFC20.3180756.010.5
180 x 90 x 26 PFC26.1180906.512.5
200 x 75 x 23 PFC23.4200756.012.5
200 x 90 x 30 PFC29.7200907.014.0
230 x 75 x 26 PFC25.7230756.512.5
230 x 90 x 32 PFC32.2230907.514.0
260 x 75 x 28 PFC27.6260757.012.0
260 x 90 x 35 PFC34.8260908.014.0
300 x 90 x 41 PFC41.4300909.015.5
300 x 100 x 46 PFC45.53001009.016.5
380 x 100 x 54 PFC54.03801009.517.5
430 x 100 x 64 PFC64.443010011.019.0
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